What We Do
A Touch of Paradise Landscaping and Construction provides clients with free, no-obligation quotations based upon on-site meetings with a member of our staff. These on-site meetings can be organised by phone, email, or Facebook. From this meeting, our team works based upon key elements that were discussed with the client in order to provide the best possible quotation at the most affordable price. If there are any queries upon receiving the quotation, we advise customers to send us any feedback and we will adjust accordingly.
If there is a budget for our staff to work to, please notify us and we will take this into consideration as working to a budget to produce the best quality workmanship is a key ideal of A Touch of Paradise Landscaping and Construction.
Once per fortnight, A Touch of Paradise Landscaping and Construction completes a service run for a multitude of projects for commercial clients. This service run includes mowing, whipper snipping, any waste removal and a general tidy up of the project. Some examples of our service run inclusions are Elliott Heads Foreshore and Furniture Court, Bundaberg. If you are a commercial project owner wish to be added to this service run, you can contact us by phone, email, or Facebook and we will have a team member on-site to provide a quotation for your project to be added to this service run.
As part of our team, A Touch of Paradise Landscaping and Construction member Darren Street is a registered Landscape Architect. As such, Darren can provide professional design services and solutions for clients at an affordable price. These designs are not limited to just commercial projects, they are available for residential works as well. If you would like to enlist the help of Darren to provide a detailed landscape design, please contact us by phone or email.
If you would like to read more about Darren's qualifications, please click here.